

With such an amazing turn out for the Mega-Meet on Sunday 12th Jan, I'm now planning another...

As we filled the allocated space with over 70+ cars, I'm looking to get an even bigger area, bringing a bigger variety of cars & vehicles together.

We all share a common passion... cars!

It doesn't matter if your car is worth £500 or £500k, it's YOU that makes the car scene what it is.

I'm sure I'm not just speaking for myself, but for a lot of others too.

With working so much these days, just to make ends meet, & to help with the stresses of every day life, I use the car scene as a means of socialising & escape from the mundane.

So with this in mind, Mods & Stockers would love to invite you all to our Mega-Meet, in hopes to build some bridges & bring everyone together, because let's face it, if it wasn't for you all, there wouldn't be a car scene!